Search Options

Click on the graphic below for help on the options categories or scroll the screen down for a text description of the Search options fields.


Details on Search Options Fields:

Buffer Size: Buffer Size is the size (in bytes) of the memory block used by the program when reading files. The default is 102400. The lowest value permitted is 32768. In most cases you should leave this setting at the default. This setting is primarily used to speed up searching in combination with the Stop Processing After First Hit in File switch or the special registry switch - Num Buffers To Process. In most other cases setting this field to a lower or higher value will NOT result in faster searching. Low values may actually increase search time because the program will have to perform more separate file reads on a given file.

Maximum Regular Expression Size: Enter the maximum number of bytes to allow for regular expression searches. The maximum allowed is 32767 (32K) or 1/2 the size specified in the Buffer Size field. If you have many search & replaces involving simple expressions, smaller values may speed up operations. Conversely, if you have a regular expression search that involves Binary Characters and/or is very complex, larger values will be necessary.

Unzip files to: Enter a path (or use the browse button - image\b_path4.gif) to temporarily extract ZIP files to for searching when "Search ZIP files" is turned on (see Search and Replace Main Window). The default is the temporary directory defined by your computer's operating system, typically "Windows\Temp". Subdirectories will be created and removed as needed under the specified path.

Stop processing after first hit in file: For search-only operations, when this is checked the search will move on to the next file in the path, mask, & filter criteria after the first hit is found in a file. This is useful for quickly narrowing down files if you have a lot of data to search. For search & replace operations, when this field is checked and Replacement Confirmations are enabled, selecting the "Replace This" prompt will cause the search & replace operation to make that one replacement and then move to the next file. Selecting any other replacement prompt will cause all replacements to be made in that file before processing moves to the next file.

Display Maximum Characters: Enter a value to determine the maximum number of characters displayed on the first hit line in the Search Results list. The range is 128-4096 characters. Exit and restart for changes to take effect.

Sort Results By: Make a selection to use for the order files are listed in the Search Results list &/or Output File. Check the 'Ascending' box to use an ascending list. The choices in the image\B_DROP1.gif combo list are: Unsorted, File Name, File Extension, File Date/Time, File Size, and File Path. Unsorted means files are listed in the order they are found according to your file systems.

Show Progress Window: Enable this to display the progress meter.

Process Binary Files: By default, if File Mask or Filter setting do not limit searches otherwise, the program searches all files. To not search 'binary' files, uncheck this switch. When not checked, if the program determines a file is 'binary' it will not be searched. That file will still be listed in the Search Results but zero hits will be indicated.

OK button: Saves the changes and closes the dialog.

Cancel button: The changes will not be made.